Dream Work




“Träume keine kleinen Träume, denn sie haben nicht die Kraft,
die Herzen der Menschen zu bewegen.”
J. W. von Goethe


“Dream no small dreams, for they do not have the power to move the hearts of men.”







Why do we work with dreams in Jungian Analysis?

Dreams, according to Jung, open up a direct avenue to the unconscious, describing the inner situation of the dreamer as it really is and not as he/she would like it to be. Thus the importance of working with dreams, for the unconscious has a special significance as a corrective to the one-sidedness of the conscious mind.

Jung states (CW 16 par 86) “If we meditate on a dream sufficiently long and thoroughly, if we carry it around with us and turn it over and over, something almost always comes of it… this something is an important practical hint which shows what the unconscious is aiming at.”


Dream Groups



“The really important things are within.“




DREAMS are thought to be letters that the Soul writes to us every day, leading us to the exploration of our deeper selves.

Dreams often provide a key to our questions and difficulties.The objective of the dream group is to learn to decipher the messages coming from the deep unconscious in order to become better acquainted with our true natures.

Dream Groups take place three times a year: January to March, April to June, and September to December.

Tuesdays, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Fee: $40.00 per session
Contact number: 310 663 60 93
To sign up and for date information please call or confirm by email (space is limited)